Thursday, January 15, 2009

Snow!!! Snow??? No.

Ok, so, we were warned...Snow, Snow, Snow! Well...we had a dusting! We prepared Liam this week for school's possible cancellation and this morning still nothing but a dusting. Liam doesn't mind the cold and loves the snow. You can imagine his disappointment this morning when he was told there wasn't enough snow to build "A Big Frosty" as he put it. I wondered why he was so quick to get his socks, shoes and coat on this morning. Luckily, his disappointment was not accompanied by tears but, rather, easily distracted by ZOO animals, of course.


Mma said...

"A Big Frosty" is fine but the ZOO rules! Liam is going to be able to give guided tours at the Louisville and Cincinnati zoos before he even turns 4. He certainly knows the paths to take to his favorite locations!

Papa said...

I love the pictures of Liam and his "Big Frosty" snowman. Something to cherish always. I am looking forward to going to the zoo with Liam, and the family, of course, but when the weather is a little more cooperative. I might go dressed as "rhino" papa! who knows?