Saturday, April 25, 2009

Liam's 1st Sleepover

Liam had his first sleepover with special for both of them. We truly appreciate Mema rearranging her work schedule to enjoy this first of Liam's.

We settled Liam in at Mema's before heading to my brother's police graduation ceremony. He seemed quite fine and content to enjoy time with Mema and the doggies especially Buddy. They went to visit Aunt Allene and Uncle BJ where I'm sure Liam kept them all quite busy. Apparently, Liam really enjoyed their cat...poor little kitty!

We called from the ceremony to say goodnight and since I'm always with Liam I've never heard his sweet little voice over the phone - how precious. We shared our goodnight wishes and kisses with both him & Mema who told us about a little boo- boo he got from sliding outside at Auntie's house. She seemed so concerned and Liam was very clear that he did not want a band-aid. (He barely skinned his knee but continues to remind us of his boo-boo from Mema and Aunt Allene - Mema gets so tickled!)

When we arrived at Mema's the next morning, Liam was just as happy as when we left him the evening before. He had lots of fun with his Mema...what a special weekend for us all!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Officer Paul Spencer

Congratulations to my brother, Paul, who is now a police officer for the City of Cumming, Georgia. We are all so proud of his goals and achievement. He seems truly happy in his new work.

My husband is truly appreciated and loved. He came up with a wonderful idea and plan to make a quick weekend trip to Atlanta to surprise and attend Paul's graduation ceremony. I wasn't sure we would be able to pull off the surprise but it worked! And what fun!!

Billy was in IN for work this particular week. He drove home Thursday morning arriving just in time to pack the car, pick Liam up from school at 12:30 and head south. We stayed with my folks who were very careful to keep our arrival on the hush-hush. We also new that the graduation would be a late dinner ceremony and that it would be difficult for Liam to attend for that length of time. So, we offered Mema the opportunity to enjoy Liam's first overnight stay...she didn't stop to think any answer but yes, of course. Although we know she loved having the time with Liam, we truly appreciate her since she had to take off from work on Saturday in order to help us out. After we settled Liam in at Mema's (he was quite fine and content), we headed to the graduation ceremony which was held at the Oconee County Civic Center.

When we arrived, the road we traveled allowed us to see one of the entrances to the building. Out in front of this entrance stood my brother (all decked out in his uniform looking quite handsome), my sister-in-law, Margaret and a friend/co-officer. Billy pulled into the parking lot and nearly onto the curb, rolled down his window and shouted "Do you know where...."! Paul's initial facial expression read, "Who is this idiot?". Then his mouth hit the pavement as Margaret came running with tears was such a great surprise!

The graduation ceremony was wonderful including witnessing Paul's private swearing in as a peace officer and our dad pinning his badge #41 on his uniform, an enjoyable dinner with guest speakers and a slide show of his academy class (also, fun to learn Paul's academy name was Q-Ball), and his receipt of his diploma from the 228th graduating class from the Northeast Georgia Police Academy in Athens, GA.

A very special evening for all of us especially Officer Paul Spencer!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jack and The Wonder Beans

Liam had his first opportunity to enjoy a children's play thanks to The Friends of the Scott County Library and The Lexington Children's Theatre. I wasn't sure how he would do sitting still through an entire play at three years old but since the tickets were free I figured it was worth a shot. Am I ever glad we went!

The play was so entertaining for adults and children alike - Liam was glad to see a couple of his friends there and sat up front next to Lily Star. The actors were unbelievable especially since there were only four...One to narrate and play music, one for Jack, one for Jack's Mom/Mrs. Giant and one for the bean salesman/Giant. Their costumes, set and props were wonderful and their interaction with the children phenomenal. A few older children were even brought into the play as characters - the cow and goose.

The hour-long play held Liam's attention and he left loving the scenes where the Giants were looking for the tadwacker, Jack. We're still playing Giant and Tadwacker in our house!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday, Liam!!!

Wow...the time has come and gone...we can hardly believe Liam is three today. So much has happened since we found out Liam would be joining our family...what a joy-filled blessing he is to all of us!

Last year, for Liam's 2nd birthday, Daddy had to work. So, Mommy and Liam went for our first visit to the Salato Wildlife Center to explore the animals and grounds - what fun. After Daddy returned home from work, we picked up a cheese pizza (Liam's favorite) and headed to the KY Horse Park for after-hours fun at the playground and walked the grounds enjoying all the beautiful horses and one rogue squirrel, apparently.

This year, Daddy planned to be off from work but, unfortunately, that did not happen. I came up with several ideas for Liam and Mommy fun until Daddy returned home. However, Liam decided he wanted to stay home and play. He had such a busy week and since he is usually very tired on Fridays anyway I decided that sounded like a good idea.

Liam started the day by putting on one of his new and favorite shirts - a tiger shirt from his friend Steven. After breakfast, he practiced casting his new Lightning McQueen fishing pole from Papa...he's getting pretty good at it. He then headed upstairs to brush his teeth. The dentist suggested he not brush his own teeth and for Mommy or Daddy to brush them for him but I don't see the harm in allowing the child to brush his own teeth and then letting us take a second look afterwards. Plus, he's getting pretty good at truly brushing as he likes to call out different animal names for each tooth he's brushing...too funny!

After the morning routine, he wanted to play on the computer. Papa gave him a new Boohbah PC Game which has a fun matching game and hide and seek game. Then we headed back downstairs for an apple snack and funny faces with Mommy - we're so silly.

After snack, we headed outside for backyard fun. We played in the sandbox, picked dandelions for the new birdies in our pear tree, played chase, enjoyed the swing set and playhouse and mowed the lawn with the fun bubble mower from Mema. What a busy morning...time for lunch!

After lunch, we headed upstairs for rest time. We read through his own school made number book. He did a great job gluing on the appropriate number of colorful objects per page and he enjoys reading and counting his masterpiece.

Daddy returned home from work shortly after Liam's rest time. We gathered in the family room around Liam's birthday presents from Mommy and Daddy which we purposely set aside from his party so he would have something to open on his actual birthday. After pulling tissue paper out of a really fun monkey birthday bag, Liam found Moon Sand and books - Pooh Bear, Bug's Life and Stellaluna. We went outside and set up shop - Moon Sand is a lot of fun! We made all kinds of castles, designs and impressions, and filled the treasure box over and over again.

After Dinner, we played with Liam's favorite Rain Forest cards and Fireman dress-up before he settled into bed and his first year as a three year old. What a wonderful day!!!

Happy Birthday to our big three year old...we love you, Liam!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Samantha & Lilly Kate's Visit

We always enjoy spending time with our cousins and friends, Josh, Samantha and Lilly Kate...what a wonderful way to spend the eve before Liam's 3rd birthday! Since they were in Louisville for Josh's work, Samantha and Lilly Kate were kind enough to drive out for dinner (missed you Josh but we'll all get together sooner than later, hopefully!). It didn't take Lilly Kate long at all to warm up to everyone. Before you knew it, she and Liam were outside playing in the backyard with the swingset, sandbox, bubble machine (what fun for us to watch them chase enormous bubbles) and Billy! Yes, Billy....he picked both babes up, one in each arm, and ran 'round & 'round the yard in circles. Liam and Lilly Kate were laughing soooo hard as they jiggled and bounced up and down while Samantha and I looked on filled with laughter of our own.

Once inside, we had fun giving Lilly Kate her party gift from Liam's 3rd birthday party, enjoyed a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs and visited more before sharing farewell wishes. The time just flew by! Thanks for sharing your very precious travel time with our family...we look forward to our next visit together.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Blessings

Dyeing Easter Eggs:

Liam really got into the spirit of dyeing eggs this year. He wanted each one of our names written on an egg so Mommy wrote Liam, Daddy, Mommy, Gandma and Papa's names while Papa, Gandma and Daddy helped him place the egg into his color of choice. Besides carefully dropping the eggs into the cups and spooning them out, Liam even tried eating one. Of course, cracking the shell was the most fun! After watching Daddy taste the white and then the yolk, he took a bite of each and quickly decided it wasn't for him. I guess we're lucky he enjoys them scrambled! After all the eggs were dyed, Liam placed them on an egg plate and proudly displayed them for all to enjoy.

Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Bunny:

Who is small and soft and hops along bringing little children the message of New Life? The Easter Bunny, of course. Liam was so excited about going to his 2nd Easter Egg Hunt. (Last year's morning egg hunt was sooo cold and windy not to mention all the dogs out and about. So, this year we decided to patron another community egg hunt at the 1pm hour. Luckily, the weather was better and no animals among the candy!) It was great watching him spy all the colored eggs and running about filling his cute little floppy ear bunny basket. Oh what fun...and then the real fun of opening and eating the yummy candy - M & M's, Skittles and Starbursts - YUM!

Before leaving the egg hunt, Liam spied the Easter Bunny. He was so excited and brave as he ran over, shook hands and allowed the Easter Bunny to pick him up for a big hug and picture, too. The Easter Bunny is definitely a kind and gentle's no wonder he likes to spread the Good News of Easter!

Easter Sunday:

St. John's Easter Sunday Mass was celebrated at the Georgetown College Chapel...Yes, the chapel of a local Baptist college. Fr. Linh had a lot of fun with that before Mass even began!!!
It was actually a very beautiful Mass and we were very lucky to have such a wonderful (and roomy) sanctuary to celebrate the most holy day of the year.

Liam enjoyed spying Fr. Linh and a couple friends, John and Grace, his church bag of books and colored pencils for his Jesus coloring book from Ganny, bursting into song whether he knows the words or not...sometimes it's more precious when he doesn't know the words!, exchanging the Sign of Peace and partaking in the communion line for his blessing. (He's learning to cross his chest with his arms as a sign for a blessing until he's old enough to make his first communion.) On our way back from the altar to our seats, he spied Grace again and managed to sneak away for a quick hug...Grace was happy to oblige.

After Mass, we returned home to find someone had paid a visit to Liam while we were at Mass. The Easter Bunny had come to share the Good News of New Life. What a wonderful surprise...and he ate his carrot, too! He left Liam some yummy candy, a new book for his church bag, a "birdie" rock (a Holy Spirit Dove) and lots of other special treats. We took turns exploring Liam's Easter Basket before enjoying a wonderful Easter dinner together.

After dinner, we all made our way outside to enjoy one another and especially Liam - our most recent gift of New Life...

...Thanks be to God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us, Christ for His infinite friendship and the Holy Spirit for continuing to guide us through our gift of life.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thank you, Sweet Boy!

Mommy got her hair cut today...a new, shorter length from a hairstyling magician, Shana, who really understands my unruly head of hair! I felt good, real good, when I left the salon and headed home.

But, when Liam looked at me with a big smile on his face and said, "Mommy, you look so beautiful!", well, let me tell you, at that moment I couldn't remember feeling so good about myself.

He constantly surprises me with what he's capable of saying & doing and now uplifting has been added to his canvas!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Bug Park

Liam loves bugs and he received some really fun bug gear at his birthday party from his friends, Lily Star and Sam. Since this coming week calls for rain, it was a no-brainer to find something fun to do outside, Papa's getting cabin fever. So, Mommy, Papa and Liam headed to McConnell Springs (AKA: The Bug Park) for a leisurely walk and to take in the bubbling springs and natural landscape... beautiful! (It's hard to believe that this was used as a dumping ground until "The Friends of McConnell Springs" managed to raise funds to recapture this beautiful site!).

We enjoyed watching Liam search for bugs and his attempts to catch them with his bug tools and put them in their mesh home. He tried and tried, mostly catching dandelions and leaves. But, at last, he caught a beetle which he toted along in his new bug house on our nature walk and dining with us for our outdoor picnic lunch. Sadly, when we were distracted, our new beetle friend found a small enough hole and escaped. Liam said goodbye and began a new search in between his running, hopping, climbing, jumping and exploring.

What a wonderful day!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Liam's 3rd Birthday Party!

Welcome to Liam's Zoo!!!

We didn't have any trouble picking a theme for Liam's 3rd birthday party. He loves animals and especially zoo animals! We had fun making the "Zoo Ticket" invitations out of card stock on the computer using pictures we had taken over past trips to various zoos. We found lots of fun party gifts from zoo books & stickers to dinnerware & a CD for Liam and his friends. We decorated the house with our "Zoo Tickets", zoo animal friends, personal zoo photos, balloons and Liam's own painted masterpiece of "My Trip to the Zoo" coloring pages (Thanks, Gandma!).
As our family and friends arrived, the adults mingled and the children played with zoo books, puzzles, toys and the zoo tunnel (cardboard boxes wrapped in gift wrap...thanks for the idea Ms. Dawn & Gandma!). Once everyone ate a delicious spread (Thanks, again, Gandma & Papa and Daddy, too!), everyone headed outside for free play. Daddy & Papa helped Mommy get the pinata up and going...what fun...everyone took a swing including Great Ganny who can really swing a bat! She told me later, "I didn't know there was anything in there!". The little ones enjoyed stickers, fruit chewies and some candy! After the Zoo Egg Hunt, we headed inside for birth-day-cake!...birth-day-cake!....birth-day-cake!!!!
Mommy made Liam's cake this year but kept it very simple. He asked for chocolate cake with white frosting so I made a moist chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting. I decorated it with green & orange icing, an elephant sitting on dirt (cocoa), a polar bear sitting on ice (mini marshmallows)and a lion sitting on grass (green sugar crystals) & it read "Happy 3rd Birthday Liam". He enjoyed his cake donning his animal friends, listening to everyone sing "Happy Birthday" and had a lot of fun blowing out his #3 birthday candle. He kept looking at me for approval to finally blow it out...too cute. It didn't take long for him and all his friends to dive in and finish off their cake which made Mommy feel really was delicious!
We then moved to the family room so Liam could enjoy opening his birthday presents...what fun! I sat on the floor with Liam and was happy to oblige many lap friends who could barely stand the anticipation of what was in each new package. Liam was blessed with many wonderful presents such as generous gift cards and money (for summer activities), bug gear, books, clothes, stacking cards, games, puzzles, toys, a cool pint-size pool for the summer (which Liam wanted to open up right there in the family room!), animal collections, a new back pack for school in the fall, bubbles, place mats (including a personalized one which he loves to spell
L-I-A-M at each meal!), stickers, a handmade quilt, a fireman dress up outfit, a viewfinder, a "green" race car and driver and a new animal theme bathroom ensemble. WOW...our child is not deprived and is very loved! He shows his appreciation daily in the way he plays and learns with your carefully thought out gifts.
Thank you to each and every one who took the time to share in another wonderful birthday party for Liam. He talks about each of you often and truly loves his friends and family!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Welcome Home, Daddy!!!

We sure do miss one another when Daddy travels. Liam's been handling his absence quite well save moments when it's obvious that he really would like to see his Daddy. He usually wakes up in the morning asking "Where's my Daddy?". After reminding him that Daddy's gone to work on a car ride, he's usually fine. Sometimes he asks to call him which we happily oblige. So, today, Daddy arrives home and Liam is so happy!!! He's had a busy spring break week, Gandma & Papa are here, tomorrow we'll celebrate his 3rd birthday party with a "Liam's Zoo" theme and lots of friends and family will be here to join in the fun.

But, don't forget, today...Daddy's coming home!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Yeah, Gandma & Papa!

Liam has had such a busy spring break week filled with lots of fun. And, now, Gandma and Papa are here....yeah!!! Liam is getting ready to celebrate his 3rd birthday party this weekend and can bearly contain his excitement. He is soooo happy Gandma and Papa have come to help celebrate!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Magic Beans!!!

Yeah, Daddy!!! You found the magic beans!

Liam has been less than interested in potty training save sitting on the potty before bath time which he's done since 18 mos. However, Daddy thought it would be a fun experiment to give Liam "Chocolate Pop Rocks" one night after going potty. He loved them and laughed and laughed and, of course, we laughed and laughed, too. The next morning, Liam woke up and headed straight for the potty asking for "Choc Pop Rocks"!!!! I couldn't believe it...after all of the trialing and erroring Mommy's been doing, Daddy found the Magic Beans!!!

Liam's been in big boy underpants if we can just help him figure out "everything" goes in the potty!!!!

April Fools!

Liam and I were so excited to find a 4-leaf clover in our own back yard today!!!! But, what does it mean when you find one on April Fools Day? I guess the joke's on us!