Sunday, May 31, 2009

Thankful for Friends

We are so thankful for our friends and enjoyed all the time spent together this month chasing bubbles with Lily Star, playing cars with Sam, building sandcastles with Steven, and attending fabulous Dance Recitals performed by Erin.

We also enjoyed a couple "family playdates" with our friends, The Moore's and The Allen's. Thanks again to Jaime, Lucas and Steven for inviting us over for a wonderful home-cooked country dinner. While the boys had fun playing with Steven's toys and the guys competed on Wii, the gals enjoyed visiting about all good things! We also enjoyed having Julie, Maura and Tristan over for dinner one evening to celebrate their return home from GA...I know they are all very anxious for Brent's safe return home, too!

We look forward to the summer and visiting with more of our friends, near and far!

1 comment:

Mma said...

Just remember the song from Girl Scout days, "Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold." Friends are very precious!