Thursday, May 28, 2009

Liam's Last Day of School

Today was Liam's last day of his first year of school...WOW!!!

The year sure did go by quickly. This morning the school director shared with me how amazed she is each May at how big the children of the two year old class look compared to how little they were starting out at the beginning of the school year...she's spot on with that! Liam entered the school room as a toddler and exited as a preschooler!!!

We're so thankful to the First United Methodist Church Preschool for providing Liam with such a welcoming and loving learning environment throughout the entire year. He enjoyed his teacher, Ms. Kelley and all of his first classmates - John, Nate, Rhett, Taylor and Hollee.

We will always remember FUMC as his preschool foundation...Enjoy your summer, Liam!

1 comment:

Mma said...

Liam made many friends and gained so much from his learning experience at his first school. I know that he will enjoy looking at the photos taken during that time period and enjoy seeing all the projects that have been saved for his memory box. Our boy is no longer a todler in so many ways. Now it is time to move on to the next stage - preschool 3's!