Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Excitement of Role Playing

Liam really enjoys animals and here lately has become addicted to "Eyewitness Documentaries" about all different kinds of living species. He also has rainforest flashcards which he enjoys reading and studies the pictures.

We've been enjoying watching Liam push his role playing boundries more and more lately. It was so fun for us today watching him enjoy his "Eyewitness Rainforest Documentary" while quickly shuffling through his flashcards trying to find the animal match and proceed to acting out each animal.

We so love Liam the boy....and Liam, the tiger; Liam, the parrot; Liam, the monkey; etc....

1 comment:

Mma said...

Between Liam's role playing of all the animals he can think of and acting out the plot from his books he can start charging a fee and save for college. It is so enjoyable to watch little ones in role play. Capture every moment that you can!