Saturday, June 6, 2009

Papa's Week

We always enjoy our visits with Gandma and Papa. We also try to use our time well when they are here which is why we timed our yard sale with their visit. I know what your thinking but in our defense, it was Gandma's idea!

So, while Mommy, Daddy and Gandma stayed busy preparing for the two day affair (and our friend, Janelle, too...thank goodness for her yard sale expertise!), Papa stayed busy having fun, fun, fun with Liam!

Papa and Liam enjoyed the Salato Wildlife Center in Frankfort, McDonald's Playland (Liam asked Papa for pineapple and when Papa said he didn't think they had any here, Liam got up from the table and marched over to the counter. Papa joined him and asked the employee if they had, just apples. Liam settled for apples), and local Mall (Liam enjoyed the Mickey Mouse store and indoor play yard. Upon leaving, poor Papa couldn't find his cell phone and had to drive back to the mall and find lost & found. Fortunately, his phone was there. Liam couldn't wait to share this with Mommy and Gandma!).

Papa, Daddy and Liam also took in the Cincinnati Zoo. They had lots of fun and especially enjoyed the "World of the Insect " exhibit! Liam had fun dressing up as an ant, too!

It was a wonderful weekend for a yard sale...we did quite well, and an even better week for time spent between Grandfather and Grandson!!!

1 comment:

Mma said...

It was a wonderful time for Papa and Liam and for Mommy and Gandma to have time together even if Gandma had to stay off of her feet as much as possible.

We also enjoyed the delicious ribs from Montgomery Inn, the best in the world, they melt in your mouth. Thanks Daddy and Papa and Liam for bringing them home for all of us to enjoy (well, almost all of us since Liam won't put a morsel of meat in his mouth)!