Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Bug Park

Liam loves bugs and he received some really fun bug gear at his birthday party from his friends, Lily Star and Sam. Since this coming week calls for rain, it was a no-brainer to find something fun to do outside, Papa's getting cabin fever. So, Mommy, Papa and Liam headed to McConnell Springs (AKA: The Bug Park) for a leisurely walk and to take in the bubbling springs and natural landscape... beautiful! (It's hard to believe that this was used as a dumping ground until "The Friends of McConnell Springs" managed to raise funds to recapture this beautiful site!).

We enjoyed watching Liam search for bugs and his attempts to catch them with his bug tools and put them in their mesh home. He tried and tried, mostly catching dandelions and leaves. But, at last, he caught a beetle which he toted along in his new bug house on our nature walk and dining with us for our outdoor picnic lunch. Sadly, when we were distracted, our new beetle friend found a small enough hole and escaped. Liam said goodbye and began a new search in between his running, hopping, climbing, jumping and exploring.

What a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Mma said...

Papa enjoyed that running and climbing around the Springs too. It probably brought him back in time when he used to climb and roam about in the mountains as a young boy. Liam, you are bound to keep Papa young...or at least enjoy his memories and watching you!