Friday, April 3, 2009

Welcome Home, Daddy!!!

We sure do miss one another when Daddy travels. Liam's been handling his absence quite well save moments when it's obvious that he really would like to see his Daddy. He usually wakes up in the morning asking "Where's my Daddy?". After reminding him that Daddy's gone to work on a car ride, he's usually fine. Sometimes he asks to call him which we happily oblige. So, today, Daddy arrives home and Liam is so happy!!! He's had a busy spring break week, Gandma & Papa are here, tomorrow we'll celebrate his 3rd birthday party with a "Liam's Zoo" theme and lots of friends and family will be here to join in the fun.

But, don't forget, today...Daddy's coming home!!!

1 comment:

Mma said...

I'll bet that Liam is not the only one who is excited when Daddy comes home - hurrah for all three of you!