Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Magic Beans!!!

Yeah, Daddy!!! You found the magic beans!

Liam has been less than interested in potty training save sitting on the potty before bath time which he's done since 18 mos. However, Daddy thought it would be a fun experiment to give Liam "Chocolate Pop Rocks" one night after going potty. He loved them and laughed and laughed and, of course, we laughed and laughed, too. The next morning, Liam woke up and headed straight for the potty asking for "Choc Pop Rocks"!!!! I couldn't believe it...after all of the trialing and erroring Mommy's been doing, Daddy found the Magic Beans!!!

Liam's been in big boy underpants if we can just help him figure out "everything" goes in the potty!!!!

1 comment:

Mma said...

Just do as you feel is the right way to go for Liam and I'm sure he will figure out that last part soon. Liam, Gandma bought you 3 more pairs of big boy pants yesterday so figure it out soon!