Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jack and The Wonder Beans

Liam had his first opportunity to enjoy a children's play thanks to The Friends of the Scott County Library and The Lexington Children's Theatre. I wasn't sure how he would do sitting still through an entire play at three years old but since the tickets were free I figured it was worth a shot. Am I ever glad we went!

The play was so entertaining for adults and children alike - Liam was glad to see a couple of his friends there and sat up front next to Lily Star. The actors were unbelievable especially since there were only four...One to narrate and play music, one for Jack, one for Jack's Mom/Mrs. Giant and one for the bean salesman/Giant. Their costumes, set and props were wonderful and their interaction with the children phenomenal. A few older children were even brought into the play as characters - the cow and goose.

The hour-long play held Liam's attention and he left loving the scenes where the Giants were looking for the tadwacker, Jack. We're still playing Giant and Tadwacker in our house!

1 comment:

Mma said...

Isn't it wonderful how little children can be in awe over things like this play. Liam has a wonderful imagination so this must have really impressed him. So glad that he likes to play and use all of his imagination in his play. Watching him pretend to be different animals is always great fun for me!