Monday, May 12, 2008

Determined to start a blog

Ok, I am definitely just over the "technological age threshold". The idea of blogging is very foreign yet very inviting. I appreciate writing, journaling, logging and tracking especially when it comes to keeping memories of our daily lives ever present in our minds. However, having said that, this is all very new to me (I mean, come on, when I was in college nobody even had a computer. We used typewriters...I wonder if my younger friends even remember typewriters...haha!). Several of my friends blog and I imagine it to be so time consuming yet I find myself logging on to their blogs to catch up on what's going on with them and their families. Sometimes I'm months behind but between beautiful words, pictures and video posts, I feel quite connected to each one despite the distance of miles. So, I am determined to start this blog...for myself, my husband, my son, my family and my friends. Since Liam is two already...WOW...I plan to post at least one picture from each month of his first two years in order to recall and share our wonderful memories. I guess it's never too late to begin a good thing!


Samantha said...

Ya! I'm so glad that you have joined the blogging world, but don't feel pressure to post. I have friends who post very frequently and those that post maybe once a month. I have found myself at times feeling like I have to post. It was on my to-do list once... you have to be careful to not make it a chore. We love you!

Mma said...

Way to go, Amy! I love reading/hearing about you, Billy and Liam (and others). I will try to check in daily!! Love, MOM/M'MA

Papa said...

Hi. I like your blog and intend to read it often. I love you.