Friday, April 24, 2009

Officer Paul Spencer

Congratulations to my brother, Paul, who is now a police officer for the City of Cumming, Georgia. We are all so proud of his goals and achievement. He seems truly happy in his new work.

My husband is truly appreciated and loved. He came up with a wonderful idea and plan to make a quick weekend trip to Atlanta to surprise and attend Paul's graduation ceremony. I wasn't sure we would be able to pull off the surprise but it worked! And what fun!!

Billy was in IN for work this particular week. He drove home Thursday morning arriving just in time to pack the car, pick Liam up from school at 12:30 and head south. We stayed with my folks who were very careful to keep our arrival on the hush-hush. We also new that the graduation would be a late dinner ceremony and that it would be difficult for Liam to attend for that length of time. So, we offered Mema the opportunity to enjoy Liam's first overnight stay...she didn't stop to think any answer but yes, of course. Although we know she loved having the time with Liam, we truly appreciate her since she had to take off from work on Saturday in order to help us out. After we settled Liam in at Mema's (he was quite fine and content), we headed to the graduation ceremony which was held at the Oconee County Civic Center.

When we arrived, the road we traveled allowed us to see one of the entrances to the building. Out in front of this entrance stood my brother (all decked out in his uniform looking quite handsome), my sister-in-law, Margaret and a friend/co-officer. Billy pulled into the parking lot and nearly onto the curb, rolled down his window and shouted "Do you know where...."! Paul's initial facial expression read, "Who is this idiot?". Then his mouth hit the pavement as Margaret came running with tears was such a great surprise!

The graduation ceremony was wonderful including witnessing Paul's private swearing in as a peace officer and our dad pinning his badge #41 on his uniform, an enjoyable dinner with guest speakers and a slide show of his academy class (also, fun to learn Paul's academy name was Q-Ball), and his receipt of his diploma from the 228th graduating class from the Northeast Georgia Police Academy in Athens, GA.

A very special evening for all of us especially Officer Paul Spencer!

1 comment:

Mma said...

It really was a wonderful evening for all of the family. Being able to all be together to honor Paul was even more special and I know that Paul was really thankful that you both were there. We will always keep this as one of our most treasured family memories. Our dinner out the following evening was also special as Liam was able to join us. Liam loves being with his Uncle Paul and Aunt Marg...and they love Liam too.