Tuesday, March 17, 2009

From Mimi to Ganny...Overnight!

Liam and I drove out to Louisville a couple Wednesdays ago to pick up my Granny for an overnight visit. Liam has called her Mimi for some time now but I suppose with the family's influence of calling her Granny he has made the change. She went to bed as Mimi and woke up as Ganny.

It was a great visit. She was very excited about coming to spend some time with each of us and wanted to treat us to dinner. Well, we all know she loves Cracker Barrel and Golden Corral...I chose Cracker Barrel. Liam was very well behaved and quite the gentlemen. When I suggested opening the car door for her, he wanted to oblige over and over. Then he took her hand walking past the fireplace explaining it was very hot and not to get too close. After dinner, Mimi insisted he find a little something in the shop and, of course, he was very thorough in choosing the right toy (an M & M dispenser with a foam fan that spins when he pushes the button). I told Mimi there was no need for us to point out that there was actually candy inside.

Mimi had the enjoyment of reading Liam his goodnight stories and tucking him into bed. She and I enjoyed playing cards...Rummy is her game and she got me good!

The next morning was a school day so we had a chance to play some more cards before it was time to pick Liam up...I had my turn as the Rummy Queen. Then, off to get our boy. Liam was so happy to see his Ganny and wanted to show off for her. She enjoyed seeing his school, classroom and meeting Liam's teacher, Ms. Kelley.

When we arrived home, Liam wanted to play before settling in for lunch and rest time. He introduced Elefun to Ganny and handed her a butterfly net. What fun we all had...but watch out!!!...Ganny is very competitive and likes to win at Elefun as much as Rummy!

We're looking forward to our next visit with Ganny...until then...we love you very much!!!


Mma said...

Liam is such a loving and caring child. I know this will continue because his parents will model that throughout his and their lives. Not many children are blessed to know their grand parents let alone their great grand parents. Liam has already made some wonderful memories of his time with his Mimi/Ganny and God permitting he'll make many more!

Samantha said...

I am just in giggles after reading this post. I can just see our competitive Granny trying to beat her great grandson at the Elefun Game. I'd say that I wish that I had a video, but the picture in my head is probably better.

Lilly Kate enjoys when we stay at Granny's too. She has taken an interest in Granny's spoon collection. She studies them for a great deal of time and then will always say the same thing: "Where da forks go?"

...And Liam Makes Three! said...

"Where da forks go?" Hilarious!!!! I can just hear Lilly Kate now!!!!